jolie, co-host of the i read a thing podcast


main-lining coffee
and cursing more than
any reasonable
human should

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jolie, co-host of the i read a thing podcast


main-lining coffee
and cursing more than
any reasonable
human should

about jolie

ex-dancer, jack of all trades and master of none, lover of educational pursuits

jolie has had an obsessive approach to research since she was old enough to read. recently diagnosed with add, a learning disorder commonly thought to mean you couldn’t focus on anything, she learned that her hyper-focus on topics of interest is a dead-giveaway for the disorder. while she can’t pay attention to someone talking about things that bore her, she cannot step away from things that make her brain light up even if it means other necessities are neglected (who needs water, anyway, amirite???).


sushi, all animals ever (even the ones that look scary or gross), and every art-form.

pet peeves

people standing too close to you in queues, loud chewing, sexist jokes, and arrogance.

jolie's latest deep dives