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- Jolie's bummer hour
- Gem's fun time happy hour

Spooky Season, Spooky Shit: The Spookening
It's Spooky Season, bitches! In honor of Halloween we decided to use this episode to fuck around, errrr, record some true scary stories including everything from witches hating Muzak executives to EVPs that will make your butt clench up.

Baby Ape-Men & the Self-Domestication Theory
Domestication Syndrome is not what happens when you move in with your new partner and stop shaving your legs. Join us for a shallow dive into the basics of domestication including why we can't ride zebras and how some people think we domesticated ourselves.

Ghislaine Maxwell & the Island of Misfit Perverts
Let's do a super shallow dive on Ghislaine Maxwell, notorious partner of Jeffrey Epstein, who famously had a super secret island where he'd "hire" underaged "massage therapists" for himself and his famous friends. We will also discuss why aluminum foil won't hide your cell phone, Karen.

America in the 1950s was a special time full of Elvis Presley, The Golden Age of Television, and LSD brainwashing initiatives covertly run by the CIA. Join us on a deep dive of MK Ultra that will make you question any remaining American pride you may have.

Family Vloggers & Instagrammable Child Labor
When Myka and Jim Stauffer "rehomed" their adopted son, the world got a first hand look at the shady business of family vlogging. On this deep dive, we'll tackle the sick, sad world of reality television, child abuse, and having babies for ad revenue.

NASA and the Great Poop Challenge
You would think after this many years of space exploration, we'd have the small issue of how to poop in space under control. Let's take a deep dive into the problematic world of space toilets, astronaut penises, and DIAPERS.

Psychic Vultures & Miss Cleo’s Wild Ride
Miss Cleo is clearly the figurehead of the 90s tele-psychic hotline, but how much do you know about her or her fellow psychic vultures? Probably nothing, right? Let's talk about fraud, fake cancers, bad acting, shady business practices, and keeping people on the hook for $4.99/minute. Oh, also, we've decided to ditch the podcast and start our own psychic DM network. You in? CALL ME NOW FOR AN EXPENSIVE READING.

Pandemic Paranoia & the 5G Coronavirus
Humans are simple little creatures. We like comfort, predictability, and making up stories about how EVERYTHING IS OUT TO GET US AND MAKE US SICK. From the Black Death to the coronavirus, conspiracy theories and pandemics have always flourished side by side. What is it about pandemics that make us so paranoid? Let's dive in.

NLP: Pseudoscience for Sociopaths
What if I were to tell you there's a cool way to manipulate your brain into BEING AN ABSOLUTE SUPERHUMAN, not just in your personal life, but in your own mind as well! Neuro-linguistic programming, also known as NLP, is the brainchild of two nerds, John Grinder, a linguist and Richard Bandler, a raging sociopath who tried to kill his dad and definitely probably killed his friend's girlfriend.
- all podcast notes
- Jolie's bummer hour
- Gem's fun time happy hour
Paranormal Pals, EVPs, & Hot Dog Art
Do you believe the spirits of the dead can speak to you through white noise? Do you want to find a special Paranormal Pal? In this deep dive episode, we listen to spooky EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena) and try to figure out if Jolie's house is haunted.